Wednesday, February 1, 2017


We have been to Barbados twice via cruise ship both times I did the Calabazza catamaran cruise, which is an amazing day, Dave went and explored in his own our first trip. Today we walked to Carlisle Bay, about 1 1/2 miles from cruise ship, we decided to take a detour and wander around through the town of Bridgetown before we headed to the beach. Lots of locals appeared to be headed to work this time of day, on foot but still many cars, taxis and buses, since they drive on the opposite side you really have to be aware when crossing. Between the cruise port and town we ran into a fishing market where they were cleaning and scaling lots of little flying fish. Another highlight was the produce market where we found huge yams and sweet potatoes! We don't get real yams in our part of the world. They look nothing my like what our grocery stores advertise as yams! We found our way to Lobster Alive on Carlilse beach, paid 15.00 for two chairs and unmbrella and 2 half priced drinks. 1 beer and the best rum punch so far and only 3.00 at the 1/2 price deal! Lovely spot where I walked up and down the beach of powdery white sand a few times, swam and floated and enjoyed two rum punches. We were able to get free wifi right on the beach :) I did not see any sea turtles from the beach but amazingly enough we saw them in the canal on our way to the beach. After a few hours of beach time decided to walk back to the ship for lunch, and a siesta for Dave while I worked on this blog. Just saw Calabazza sail by! Still my favorite catamaran cruise to do! We got back off the ship to try and find wifi,no luck in the cruise terminal, so went back to get ready for dinner. Had another wonderful dinner with our grinds and so much fun hearing what everyone did for the day. Mark and Vonnie went on a catamaran cruise and snorkeled with turtles, Kitty and Jim took a bus to the other side of the island to a botanical gardens. We all had excellent days. Today may have been the best beach yet! After dinner we all went to listening to the violinist, was an excellent show. 

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