Friday, January 20, 2017

Not PV But 2 Week Celebrity Eclipse Cruise/Finding The Best Beach

This winter season vacation plans changed following Dave's illness in PV las December.  We decided to cancel our month in PV and do a short PV trip and join friends on a 2 week cruise.  We start off with the cruise, which is going to be very welcome reprieve from this ugly cold winter we are having.  We will be home for just 1 week after the cruise before we head off to PV, think we can tolerate another week of winter knowing that sun, sand and margaritas are just a few days away. While we claim that we are not really cruise people we still seem to have done quite of few of them, never 2 weeks though! I know we will come back a little larger than we do when we go to PV!  The two are very different in activity level and food consumption, at least for us! Guess I could use some self control with the all inclusive drink package that we get on this ship and skip the 3 a day desserts ....but darn I don't intend to :)

Packing is much different than it is for PV!  Cruises require a lot more clothes, but no need to bring rolls of paper towels, ground coffee and peanut butter.  Hopefully that exchange of items equals out for us so that we can take the same amount of suitcases.  Speaking of suitcases just realized our best large size one went in the trash after our last cruise out of New Orleans, now we are left with a really large one with a rip in it, will need a duck tape fix....might have to go make a last minute purchase before we go.

Our plan for this 2 weeks is to keep it simple and relaxing. We will avoid the temptation on a cruise of planing every minute and making plans that require you to be somewhere at a certain time, other than dinner with out friends. Dave gets enough of that with his work!  Our goal this cruise is to explore each port on foot and take in the unique culture and people of each island and find the best beaches to relax! Maybe we will even get a morning run in at a couple of ports, but we will see about that because this trip is going to be about what we feel like doing on the spur of the moment :)
I will need to keep reminding myself that as I do tend to plan.

Finishing this post the next day, night before we leave.  We did purchase a new suitcase and are successfully packed (stuffed) into 1 large (weighing in at 47 lbs) and 2 carry on sizes, exactly what we take for 3-4 weeks in Puerto Vallarta, success!  

I will try and keep up my blog using my phone so posts will be short and sweet, will only be able to post when in ports if I can get wifi so they will show up sporadically.

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